Business Russian IC
To master business Russian you don’t need to have a large scope of vocabulary. A limited number of words and expressions is usually enough for a narrow language use like finance, economics, sales, marketing – everything that could be described as “business”.
If your goal is negotiating, sending business e-mails, comprehending the contracts you sign, you don’t need to be fluent right away. To start with, getting the necessary vocabulary is even easier for this goal, because most of terms used in business Russian come from English language. Just compare: marketing – маркетинг [marketing], contract – контракт [kantrakt], leasing – лизинг [li:zing] and so on. Business vocabulary is not difficult for comprehension, but it still requires your attention and a little time.
We appreciate your time, which is why we only include important information into our courses. They were developed by professionals both in business and teaching Russian to provide you with
Western world is overwhelmed with goods and services. The CIS countries on the other hand are a relatively unreclaimed market. The percentage of people speaking English in former USSR countries is rated from “low” to “very low” by EF EPI. To be able to do business here Russian language is a must. This is the reason why more companies require business Russian language skills from their current employees and applicants, especially from the sales professionals.
If your career is on the rise, it will benefit from adding a “Russian for business” line into the languages proficiency paragraph in your resume.
Time is money, and though it sounds as a cliche time is really the most valuable resource you have. We understand this and offer intensive methods of learning Russian for business. Concentrate on exactly what you need. If you feel your grammar skills require additional work, we’ll offer a grammar course based on real life business words and expressions. This will let you not only learn grammar, but also train your active vocabulary.
In addition to vocabulary and phrases, you will learn the negotiations etiquette, the peculiarities of business in Russian-speaking countries and other subtle things that could largely affect your success.
After acquiring basic business Russian skills you may want to have a more profound knowledge of Russian. If you decide to continue learning Russian we will offer you subsequent courses for getting more “in depth” and polishing the skills you already have.
We are constantly receiving the feedback from our students. This helps us to pay more attention to what is important and to pay more focus to it. We constantly refine the methods and our approach, thus providing the most efficient courses of Russian for business.
Get all the advantages of being proficient in Russian!
Finally feel confident during the business negotiations with your Russian-speaking partners.
- businessrussia
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- businessrussia
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